
We welcome contributions to our technical document repository! Please follow these guidelines to ensure that your contribution is appropriate and effective:

  1. Choose an Issue or Create One

Before starting work on a contribution, please check the repository's issue tracker to see if there are any open issues that you are interested in working on. If there isn't any, you can create a new issue.

  1. Fork the Repository

To contribute to the repository, you will need to fork it. This will create a copy of the repository in your own GitHub account that you can make changes to.

  1. Create a Branch

Create a new branch in your forked repository for your changes. This will help keep your changes separate from the main branch and make it easier to merge your changes later on.

  1. Make Changes

Make your changes in your branch. Be sure to follow the style and formatting of the existing documentation, and include any necessary updates to the documentation if your changes impact it.

  1. Test Your Changes

Before submitting your changes, make sure to thoroughly check for any typos or formatting errors. This will help ensure that the documentation is clear and easy to read. If necessary, make any necessary changes to improve the document's readability and correctness.

  1. Create a Pull Request

Once you are satisfied with your changes, create a pull request (PR) in the main repository to merge your changes into the main branch. In your PR, include a brief description of the changes you made and reference the issue that your changes address.

  1. Review and Iterate

Your PR will be reviewed by one or more maintainers. They may provide feedback or request changes to your code. Iterate on your changes until they are satisfied and approve your PR.

  1. Merge Your Changes

Once your PR has been approved, it will be merged into the main branch. Congratulations, you have contributed to our knowledge base repository!

Last updated